My brother, Spencer Carmona, has just recently launched an app as of last April. It’s called BZAR: a mobile market place where one can post a photo of whatever it is they want to sell and negotiate prices with consumers. How is this app different than market places like Amazon or Craigslist you may ask? The fact that it is mobile, have one being able to access this mobile market right in the palm of their hand, is what makes it unique, being the first mobile market place on the Apple Store. The way in which BZAR works is similar to the concept of Tinder: you can filter and select the mile radius of people around you. If you don’t want to travel too far, you can choose no more than 20 miles, whereas if you are willing to travel quite the distance, you can choose 50, 60, even 100 miles. Once you got that mile radius part down, you can start selecting which products you’re looking for: a camera, shoes, watches, guitars, etc. and swipe through the pictures. If you see a product that you like, a vintage camera for example, you can “heart” it, and a chat will open up where you and the seller can start speaking and negotiating prices. Once you and the seller come to an agreement, you can pin-drop a point where you would like to meet up, let’s say Starbucks for example, and meet there in a public location.

The app is free and it’s pretty neat! So if you’re looking to sell something that you’ve been meaning to sell for a while now, and you’ve just been too lazy, BZAR makes it real simple for you. Download BZAR!


4 thoughts on “BZAR

  1. Christina R says:

    The BZAR app sounds really interesting and I like the fact that you can filter how far you would be willing to travel to sell and/or buy items. And your post is a perfect example of how QR Codes or shortened URLs can help with advertising for a product or service (in this case, an app)! After explaining the app, you added a QR Code/link at the end of the post to lead us right to it. Thanks for sharing.


  2. Hi Alexa! Congratulations to your brother for creating an interesting Bzar app. I like your choice of using this Bzar app for the QR code. As you are trying to advertise this app, your choice of incorporating the Bzar app page completely makes sense. I already had QR code reader downloaded on my cell phone and I tried to go to the page after scanning the QR code. I could figure out that it was probably a Facebook page but I could not view the page because there was some problem with my Facebook app. Over all, you did a good job with your blog post. You gave detailed explanation about what the Bzar app does. You should have also provided a shortened URL.


  3. This seems like a cool app! It is even cooler that you could use it to go along with your homework. It is one thing to use a random app but the fact that you can help your brother out at the same time is awesome!


  4. This post felt very natural and didn’t seem like an assignment post. It just seemed like you were trying to help your brother out by spreading the word about his app! Your use of the QR could was perfect! Great job!


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